Off-site SEO Techniques

BY james February 15 2016

Off-Site SEO refers to the process of optimising your website pages through external sources; essentially it involves placing links to your website over the internet. Off-Site SEO helps to increase your exposure to new visitors and to make search engines take notice of you; if they see a great deal of links to your website from reputed sources, your website ranking will improve and therefore so will your exposure.

What are the techniques?

  • Forum Posting – responding to forum posts with the relevant data and page links will increase traffic to your website.
  • Website Directory Submission – have your website submitted to online directories so that it becomes searchable in go-to guides, such as the Yellow Pages.
  • Press Release Distribution – Regular press releases attract quality traffic to your website through relevant company news while increasing your ranking on search engines.
  • Search Engine Submission – don’t wait for a search engine to find you; have your page comprehensively indexed so that you stand a chance against the thousands of existing and established websites out there.
  • Q&A – answering relevant questions will also boost traffic, with the option to link to your page as a source.
  • Social media – social media is incredibly popular within search engine results and backlinks are easily introduced alongside relevant content.

Off-page SEO is just as important to your website as on-page SEO. Good search engine rankings are a result of both on-page and off-page SEO; that is why Grow provide this powerful combination within their SEO packages.

Black-hat vs. White-hat

Black-hat SEO is essentially a form of conning visitors onto your site; visitors who don’t necessarily want to be there. They will leave and harbour negative connotations towards your brand as it is seen as tricky and untrustworthy. Search engines also pick up on this through their algorism, labelling you as untrustworthy and thereby lowering your ranking.

On the other hand, white-hat provides helpful and useful links that go directly to the page the user is looking for. These are the visitors who want to stay on your website and find out more about what you offer.

Using only whitehat SEO techniques, Grow can help you gain valuable website visitors with a genuine interest in what you have to offer. Find out more about our SEO and Digital Marketing services.

You can contact Grow today to discuss your Google-powered campaign, whether it be PPC or SEO. Give them a call now on 04 456 0220 or email: we-can-help@grow.ae.
Grow is an award winning Digital Agency specialising in deploying psychologically optimised digital marketing solutions that generate high ROI for its clients.


James Pardoe

Starting his first business at age eight, James Pardoe has been building, marketing and growing businesses ever since. He has helped hundreds of businesses double their annual revenue within a few short years.

James holds a unique combination of skills spanning business, psychology, design, development and data science. He has shaped Grow’s approach to encompass all of these disciplines, to build an ecosystem that plugs into businesses and builds sustainable long-term growth.

James is also a father of three, a consultant for Google, and a partner in a branding agency.

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